Title: Director Of The Grasselli library And Breen Learning Center
Organization: John Carroll University
Location: The Grasselli Library And Breen Learning Center
Hours: None Given
Salary: None Given
Principal Duties: John Carroll University invites applications for the position of Director of the Grasselli Library. John Carroll is a private, MasterĂ­s I, Catholic and Jesuit university located in a residential suburb of Cleveland, OH. We seek an experienced librarian and administrator who possesses a MasterĂ­s degree in library science or a related field from an ALA-accredited program and an additional advanced degree, preferably at the doctoral level. The candidate will qualify for tenure at the level of Associate Librarian, holding faculty status, on the basis of professional and scholarly achievement. The individual filling this position will offer dynamic, visionary leadership and will possess excellent communication skills. This person will function as a liaison to the university community and as an advocate for a faculty of 10 and an FTE staff of 22, and will oversee a $2.8 million-dollar annual budget. The successful applicant should be able to address major issues in librarianship including changes in scholarly communication, storage and delivery of information, intellectual property issues, and the evolving roles of academic libraries as places, providers of information, and supporters of research and instruction. Candidates should submit a letter of application indicating the position, a current CV, and the names of three references, including their addresses and phone numbers. For more information on John Carroll University, visit our website at www.jcu.edu. Applications will be accepted until January 14, . Please submit all materials to: Dr. Anne Kugler, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Office of Human Resources, John Carroll University, 20700 North Park Boulevard, University Heights, OH 44118 JCU will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment based on race, age, sex, ethnic or national origin, disability; Vietnam veteran or special disabled veteran status.
Submit: None Given
Deadline: 01/14,