Academic Public Special Non-MLS Other Resources Post a Job
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Title: Youth Services Manager
Organization: Cuyahoga County Public Library
Location: Administration Building - 2111 Snow Road
Hours: 40 hrs.
Salary: $59,298 - $74,699 annually
Principal Duties: Coordinates and directs services to youth and provides support and training to those working wtih children and teens; develops and proposes services, policies and procedures; monitors existing programs; maintains close contact with leadership involved with teen and children''s collections; seeks to partner with community organizations and schools to promoe and expand library services. Requires: MLS from an ALA accredited library school, with four to six years of professional library experience including a background in children''s services and three years of supervisory experience. Apply on-line at Closing date is January 15, 2022.
MLS from an ALA accredited library school with four to six years of professional library experience including a background in children''s services and three years of supervisory experience.
Contact: Apply on-line at:
Submit: None Given
Deadline: Closing date: 1/15/2022

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