Title: Librarian (Children's)
Organization: Akron-Summit County Public Library
Location: Mobile Services
Hours: Full-time (37.5 hours) including evening and weekends.
Salary: Grade 6, $1146.70 biweekly
Principal Duties: Assists customers with reference, reader's advisory, and use of all library equipment and services. Keeps library children's materials collection updated by appropriate ordering, replacement and weeding. Establishes and maintains community contacts. Performs circulation routines, including filing requests prior to bookmobile and van runs. Adheres to established customer service guidelines and procedures. Drives a van and offers off-site service in all weather conditions; performs other duties as assigned.
Knowledge of professfional library science, including familiarity with information resources in all formats in the children's services areas; good knowledge of reader interest levels; good knowledge of children's publishers and their practices; good research skills; ability to speak and write effectively; sound professional judgment; ability to direct the work of others; and good customer-relation skills, including a pleasing personality and the ability to get along well with others. Possession of a valid driver's license, a good dribing record, and insurable driving status at all times is required. A Master of Library Science degree issued by an ALA-accredited school of library and information science is required and some previous library experience is preferred. Applicants with 6 credit hours or less towards completion of the MLS will also be considered under certain conditions. Individuals hired under these conditions will begin as a SR. Public Service Assistant, Grade 5, Step 1 ($12.3800/hour) and upon confirmation of completion of the MLS degree will be moved to Librarian, Grade 6, Step 1, ($15.2893/hour).
Contact: For application information, please call the Job Hotline at 330.643.9105
Submit: None Given
Deadline: Open Until Filled

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produced 4/02/99
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