Reference/User Education Librarian
- Title: Reference/User Education Librarian
- Name of Organization: Ohio State University
- Location: Lima Technical College
- Hours:
- Salary:$27,576 - $35,000
- Principal duties:Candidate will provide reference assistance using both print and electronic sources at the Lima Campus Library which serves students and faculty of the Ohio State University at Lima Technical College. Provide library orientation and classroom instruction in library use. Participate in selection of materials and budget allocation; oversee acquisition, receipt and cataloging of materials. Instruct users in the utilization of the library's electronic resources. Librarians have faculty status and are expected to meet University requirements for promotion and tenure including research, publication and service.
- Qualifications/Requirements:MLS from an ALA accredited program; excellent written and oral communication skills; experience in reference, user education or other library service; ability to work effectively with diverse groups. Desired: Teaching experience or courses in education; experience or courses in online database searching including the Internet.
- Contact:Sharon A. Sullivan, Personnel Librarian, Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Ave. Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1286
- Submit:Submit detailed resume with names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references.
- Deadline:Available September 1, 1997
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- produced 9/26/96
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