Assistant Coordinator of Technology & Automation (posted 9-30)
- Title: Assistant Coordinator of Technology & Automation (posted 9-30)
- Name of Organization: Westlake Porter Public Library
- Location: Westlake, OH
- Hours: 40/week
- Salary:
- Principal duties: Serves as LAN administrator, and assists with administration of the Technical Services Department.
- Qualifications/Requirements: ALA accredited MLS. Extensive training and/or experience with Novell, LANs, DOS, WIN 3.11, WIN 95, NT CD-ROM, Internet, backup systems, automated catalogs, and HTML/webpage construction. Cataloging knowledge and supervisory experience required.
- Contact: Paula Miller, Westlake Porter Public Library, 27333 Center Ridge Road, Westlake, OH 44145
- Submit: Resume and three letters of reference.
- Deadline: October 31, 1997
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System