Reference Librarian (posted 1-30)
- Title: Reference Librarian (posted 1-30)
- Name of Organization: Ritter Public Library
- Location: Vermilion, OH
- Hours: 40 hours per week
- Salary: $28,500 - $31,000 plus benefits. Salary commensurate with education and experience.
- Principal duties: Opportunity for a service oriented individual to build a reference/reader's advisory department in a small public library setting. In addition to library instruction and collection development, supervising two assistants and circulation staff is included in responsibilites.
- Qualifications/Requirements: Position requires MLS, with emphasis on oral and written communication skills and ability to train others. Two years previous experience. Familiarity with DRA a plus.
- Contact: Janet L. Ford, Ritter Public Library, 5680 Liberty Avenue, Vermilion, OH 44089
- Submit: Letter of application, resume and references
- Deadline: Position open. Selection process will begin in February and continue until the position is filled.
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System