Library Cataloger (posted 12-31)
- Title: Library Cataloger (posted 12-31)
- Name of Organization: Western Reserve Historical Society
- Location: 10825 East Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44106
- Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday
- Salary: Open, commensurate with education and experience
- Principal duties: Will be a member of a team responsible for implementation of a computerized collections management system for a library and museum. Specific responsibilities will include retrospective conversion of card catalogs and original processing and cataloging of materials using standard cataloging techniques.
- Qualifications/Requirements: MLS from ALA accredited institution. One year's experience in a cataloging or technical services department preferred. Familiarity with AACR2, USMARC, standard cataloging resources and word processing.
- Contact: Human Resources Manager, Western Reserve Historical Society, 10825 East Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44106
- Submit: Cover letter, resume, and three references
- Deadline: Until position is filled
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System