Business Reference Librarian (posted 12-2)
- Title: Business Reference Librarian (posted 12-2)
- Name of Organization: Kent State University
- Location: KSU Libraries and Media Services
- Hours:
- Salary: $36,669
- Principal duties: This position has faculty status, Assistant Professor rank, and tenure track. The librarian in this position plays a key liaison role with the College of Business Administration and participates fully in implementing core service objectives, particularly as they relate to that clientele. This position provides user-centered reference service through daily, evening, and weekend desk hours, office hours, and in response to individual inquiries. It also provides instruction for students and other library users on the use and critical evaluation of information resources through course-integrated instruction and campus-wide seminars. The position includes participating in the management of the Libraries' print and electronic collection, especially the Reference collection; developing Web resources; and promoting library user services. The Department provides a team setting for librarians to participate fully in reassessing existing services and envisioning and planning changes that might best utilize existing resources to serve user needs in a changing environment.
- Qualifications/Requirements: REQUIRED: 1. ALA accredited MLS; 2. Significant business reference experience; 3. In depth knowledge of information resources in business; 4. Familiarity with a broad range of electronic resources; including OPACs, CD-ROMs, Internet, World Wide Web; 5. Strong public service orientation; 6. Effective interpersonal and communication skills; 7. Flexibility and initiative; 8. Ability and interest in fulfilling requirements of job performance, scholarship, and service to meet tenure and promotion requirements. PREFERRED: 1. Experience doing library instruction incorporating the use of information technology; 2. Academic library reference experience; 3. Experience with Web development; 4. Collection development experience; 5. Bachelor's or Master's degree in business or related field.
- Contact: Mark W. Weber, Associate Dean, Libraries and Media Services, Kent State University, P.O. Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001. Fax: (330)672-4811.
- Submit: Send a letter of application addressing the required qualifications, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references.
- Deadline: February 27, 1998
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- produced 9/26/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System