Minutes of Meeting
Hiram College Library
August 19, 1998
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:44 a.m. by President John Lonsak. In attendance: Christopher Bennett, Carol Brown, Don Burrier, Molly Carver, Eileen Coan, Mary Crehore, Lisa Johnson, John Lonsak, Donna Perdzock, and Andrew Venable; Associate Member: Leslie Polott; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Mary Ellen Powers, and Beth Listerman; SLO Liaison: Floyd Dickman. Absent: Art Biagianti, Leslie Polott, Patrick Scanlan, and Ellen Stepanian.
Minutes of Meeting July 15, 1998
Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, and Venable.
Nays: None.
CAMLS Distribution Service
Based on the positive feedback from the Board about the benefits of the Distribution Service and the statistics prepared for the Board on who was using the service and how many items were sent, Mike Snyder recommended that the service be continued and the price for the service be increased. Molly Carver MOVED and Eileen Coan SECONDED a motion TO RAISE THE PRICE OF THE DISTRIBUTION SERVICE FROM $50 TO $75, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1999.
Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, and Venable.
Nays: None.
Non-profits using the service will be notified beforehand that prices will increase and that the service will be re-evaluated as of July 1, 1999.
June Financial Report
As of June 30, 1998, the balance was $419,994. Mary Ellen Powers explained the negative amounts which reflect the 50/100 rule where $100 can be moved out of a category and $50 be moved in. Andy Venable MOVED and Molly Carver SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE JUNE FINANCIAL REPORT.
Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, and Venable.
Nays: None.
End of Year "Audit Version" Financial Statement
Mary Ellen Powers reviewed the end-of-year financial statement that is given to the auditors. The report reflects total expenditures for the FY97/98.
July Financial Report
As of July 31, 1998, the balance was $573,752. July is a quiet month with programs and services just getting started for the new fiscal year. Mary Crehore MOVED and Donna Perdzock SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE JULY FINANCIAL REPORT.
Ayes: Bennett, Brown, Burrier, Carver, Coan, Crehore, Johnson, Lonsak, Perdzock, and Venable.
Nays: None.
Bank Balances
Bank balances as of June 30, 1998 had been reported to the Board in July, but since some checks had to be voided, the figures have changed. The actual bank balance as of June 30, 1998 is $419,993.65.
Preliminary End-of-Year Close-Out Report
Mary Ellen Powers reviewed the preliminary End-of-Year Report that will be submitted to the State Library. Monies that have been encumbered must be paid by August 31. At the present time the balance is $16,089. The final report will be presented at the September Board meeting.
Executive Session
The Board went into Executive Session at 10:10 a.m. to discuss personnel issues and came out of Executive Session at 10:30 a.m.
Committee Reports
The Finance Committee has not met for some time but will meet September 9 at 3 p.m. The Personnel Committee plans to meet in early Fall to review the Executive Director's goals. The Planning Committee is meeting directly after the Board meeting.
Continuing Education Director's Report
Terri Pasadyn begins on September 1, and the CAMLS office is looking forward to her coming on board. In following up on Ellen Stepanian's suggestion to piggyback on Marian Wright Edelman's appearance in Cleveland on November 4, Mike has called Ms. Edelman's office and written a letter inviting her to do an additional presentation. No response has been received but Mike will follow up and report to the Board in September. CAMLS and OLC are co-sponsoring a workshop "Measuring Library Services", to be conducted by Connie Van Fleet of Kent State University on Tuesday, December 8 at Cuyahoga County Public Library Administration Building. Publicity will be forthcoming. CAMLS purchased and installed Practical Concepts for Associations, an association management software, which deals with all aspects of membership, workshops, return on investment, and invoicing. Staff is working on learning the program.
Executive Director's Report
• The main topics of discussion at the September 23 Advisory Committee Meeting will be to present the recommendations of the CAMLS Planning Committee regarding LSTA Grant Applications to be submitted to the State Library of Ohio by May 1, 1999, and to discuss legislative strategies to increase the level of State Aid funding for the 00/02 biennium that begins on July 1, 1999. Mike is attending a Regional Library Systems meeting on August 20 in Wellston, at which one of the main topics will be increased state aid. • Plans and details are being finalized for Library Leadership 2000. • Major progress has been made in the last month by U.S. Cargo with a minimum of minor problems being reported. As with any courier service, the turnover in drivers is high. The Board expressed appreciation that Mike has been involved at a critical time to make things work out well. • Mike made a field visit to Shaker Heights Public Library. • The Advisory Council and Board will meet at Euclid Public Library on September 23. The October 14 Board meeting will be held at the Langston Hughes Branch of the Cleveland Public Library; and the December 2 Board meeting will be at Hudson Library & Historical Society.
John Lonsak announced that Al Roker will be coming on October 21 to help celebrate CCPL's 75th Anniversary at Holiday Inn Rockside at 4 p.m. The fee is $50.
Report of the State Library of Ohio Liaison
Though the State Library budget will have a 7% increase, this will not be enough. Michael Lucas has written a letter requesting additional funding for such items as Regional Library Systems, statewide delivery, etc. It may be a long process with a new governor, etc. There have been years when there was no budget as of July 1. Floyd Dickman reported that there are two Library Services openings at the State Library. As of three weeks ago, Floyd has a new position as Coordinator of the Ohio Center for the Book, which will take up to 50% of his time. Fourteen states wrote a grant application and received $1 million. The focus this year will be promoting science literacy in Ohio.