Minutes of Meeting
CCPL - Brecksville Branch
August 20, 1997
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:36 a.m. by President Jean Toombs. In attendance: Betsey Belkin, Art Biagianti, Carol Brown, Fran Buckley, Lisa Johnson, Laura Holland, John Lonsak, Patrick Scanlan, Jean Toombs, and Andrew Venable; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Millie Fry, Mary Ellen Powers, and Beth Listerman; Guests: Gretchen Hallerberg. Absent: John Biros, Don Burrier, Pam Hickson-Stevenson, and Associate Member David Jennings.
Minutes of Meeting July 16, 1997
Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Buckley, Johnson, Holland, Lonsak, Scanlan, Toombs, and Venable.
Nays: None
CAMLS Union List of Periodical Holdings
Mike received a letter from Bob Carterette of the Cleveland Public Library in response to the missing holdings of 4 CAMLS libraries in the printed Union List. He apologized for the oversight and offered to provide printed copies of local holdings to each of the affected libraries. Millie Fry has been talking with Ecocenters Corp. about an additional printing of the Union List. Ecocenters has offered four options: 1) print 305 addendums at a cost of $6,500; 2) print 20 sets, which would include the holdings of the 4 missing libraries, at a cost of $4,393; 3) print 5 sets for a cost of $3,010.75; or 4) print 10 sets at a cost of $3,471.50. After discussion, the Board felt these options seemed costly and requested additional information to come to the Board at its September 24th meeting.
Officers and Directors Policy
Mike reported that the Officers and Directors Policy runs from July 26, 1997 - July 26, 1998 and the limit is $1,000,000. Mike will verify whether there is a deductible per occurrence and what that deductible is.
Millie Fry's Resignation
Millie Fry announced her resignation as Assistant Director of CAMLS, effective September 16, 1997. She has accepted the position of Executive Director of NOLA. Jean Toombs expressed the Board's appreciation for all of Millie's hard work and dedication to CAMLS.
July Financial Reports
Mary Ellen Powers reported that as of July 31, 1997 the ending balance was $452,049. There was little activity during July since it was the first month of the grant year. John Lonsak MOVED and Fran Buckley SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE JULY FINANCIAL REPORTS.
Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Buckley, Johnson, Holland, Lonsak, Scanlan, Toombs, and Venable.
Nays: None.
Task Force on Hospital Library Membership
Carol Brown arrived at 10 a.m. Gretchen Hallerberg, Chair of the Hospital Membership Task Force, reported on guidelines developed by a committee consisting of Steve Grove, LCH; Sue Arnold, BH; Joanne Billiar, SVCH; Carol Brown, CNG; Jean Toombs, CIM; Mike Snyder, CAMLS; and herself. The charge was to recommend a structure for handling hospital membership in an environment where mergers, partnerships, downsizing, etc. were occurring. The committee recommends that libraries within one institution, or whose institutions share a common Board of Trustees, may join as one member. The fee is to be determined as a percentage of the operating budget of all of the units. The report spelled out possible scenarios, e.g. adding units to a preexisting member, the merging of two or more separate CAMLS members, etc. Laura Holland MOVED and Fran Buckley SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE HOSPITAL MEMBERSHIP TASK FORCE.
Ayes: Belkin, Brown, Buckley, Johnson, Holland, Lonsak, Scanlan, Toombs, and Venable.
Nays: None.
Gretchen was congratulated on a well thought out and well done report. Gretchen commented that these guidelines will require a Bylaws change. As well, the school membership assessment change approved last year needs to be reflected in the Bylaws. The Board discussed the need to publicize the 18-month lead time to resign from CAMLS. Perhaps an article in the CAMLS News would help to make members aware of this policy. This medium would also be a good way to publicize the new guidelines.
Membership Application - Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Brown, Buckley, Johnson, Holland, Lonsak, Scanlan, Toombs, and Venable
Nays: None.
Finance Committee
Fran Buckley and John Lonsak, Chairs of the Finance Committee, reported that the Committee met on July 29 to review and accept a proposal from Zinner & Co, a management consulting firm, to develop a financial plan for CAMLS. Jill Giesey made the presentation and quoted a price of at least $4,000 and not to exceed $5,000 to develop the financial plan. The firm will evaluate the cost/benefit of existing and proposed programs and services, investigate the cost of recruiting and maintaining members, and review and develop an equitable fee and pricing structure. Seventy surveys developed by Zinner were sent to a select group of CAMLS members from different categories (small, medium, large; different types, committee members, etc.). The Finance Committee will be reviewing Zinner's preliminary report at its meeting on Friday, August 22. A preliminary draft of the financial plan will be presented to the CAMLS Board for its approval on October 22.
Assistant Director's Report
Millie Fry asked the Board's permission to take Library Leadership 2000 with her to NOLA. Millie distributed a folder with items pertaining to the CAMLS Professional Development Program. The first form showed statistics since 1990 and indicated a 300% increase in the number of workshops held since 1990. A listing of workshops by subject shows that there has been an emphasis in certain areas (new technologies and management) and also shows where more programs are needed (customer service and marketing). A Summary of Evaluations for programs held during the Fall of 1996 and Spring 1997 is a result of having attended a John Carroll class on evaluation. CAMLS has used a reaction form, which is basic. More advanced forms of evaluation are evaluating learning, performance, and return on investment. Also included in the kit is a listing of the Transforming Libraries series. This series of workshops is winding down with 2 being presented this Fall and the last one in the Spring.
Executive Director's Report
Mike Snyder distributed a summary of a CAMLS Delivery Service survey. He had received a couple of calls within the first weeks of his arrival, and a thought a quick survey would help to find out what needs to be done to improve service.. Discussion ensued as to the necessity for going out for quotes for delivery service. It was felt that though the transition to Pony Express was difficult, it is becoming smoother, and it would be cumbersome to make another change so soon. There is a tremendous advantage to continuing with Pony Express for the time being because the other Regionals, SLO, OHIOLINK, etc. also use Pony Express. The Regional Library Systems should collectively work with Pony Express to improve service. Fran Buckley MOVED and Carol Brown SECONDED a motion TO DEFER ACTION AND DISCUSS GOING OUT FOR QUOTES NEXT YEAR.
Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Brown, Buckley, Johnson, Holland, Lonsak, Scanlan, Toombs, and Venable.
Nays: None.
Mike made several field visits during July and August - Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland Public Library, Shaker Heights Public Library, East Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland Hts.- University Hts. Public Library, Case Western Reserve University, Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library, and Hudson Public Library. Orientation sessions were conducted for the new directors at STOW and HUD. Mike also attended an OCLIS meeting at Kent State University on July 22.
Laura Holland announced a new e-mail address; it is [email protected]. URC is now a full-fledged member of OHIOLINK. SHPL will be on the ballot in September for an increase in library millage.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:04 a.m.
20600 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 500, Shaker Heights,Ohio 44112-5334