Board of Trustees
Cleveland Area Metropolitian Library System

Minutes of Meeting
Ursuline College
November 19, 1997

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President Jean Toombs. In attendance: Betsey Belkin, Art Biagianti, Carol Brown, Don Burrier, Laura Holland, Lisa Johnson, John Lonsak, Patrick Scanlan, Jean Toombs, and Andy Venable; CAMLS Staff: Mike Snyder, Mary Ellen Powers, and Beth Listerman. Absent: John Biros, Pam Hickson-Stevenson and David Jennings.

Minutes of Meeting October 22, 1997


Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Burrier, Holland, Johnson, Lonsak, Scanlan, Toombs, and Venable.
Nays: None.

Mt. Sinai Hospital Membership

Mike Snyder reported that he had called Pam Alderman at Mt. Sinai Hospital regarding her institution's participation in CAMLS for the 1997/98 year. She affirmed the fact that Mt. Sinai Hospital considers its relationship with CAMLS to be permanently terminated and subsequently wrote a letter confirming this conversation. Carol Brown arrived at 9:48 a.m. The Board requested that Mike write a letter to the administration of the hospital, with a copy to Pam Alderman, requesting that the membership payment be paid as required by the Ohio Revised Code. Board members were reminded that there is a copy of the Ohio Revised Code in their Board binders at the end of the Bylaws section.

October Financial Reports

Mary Ellen Powers reported that as of October 31, 1997, the ending balance was $523,303. Andrew Venable MOVED and Betsey Belkin SECONDED a motion TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER FINANCIAL REPORTS.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Holland, Johnson, Lonsak, Scanlan, Toombs, and Venable.
Nays: None.

Mary Ellen Powers reported that the State auditors are in the office. They will not be doing related party questionnaires as in the past. If the Board has any questions, they may contact Bob Wilhelm, the Deputy Auditor.


Mary Ellen Powers reminded the Board that revisions meant revising the intent of the use of funds within the same category. Andrew Venable MOVED and Don Burrier SECONDED a motion TO REVISE $1,000 FOR THE CE DIRECTOR SEARCH IN THE STATE FUND (220) FROM OTHER-RENT TO OTHER-MISCELLANEOUS, AND TO REVISE $16,444 FOR SALARIES (ED) IN THE GENERAL FUND (101) - $7,000 FROM SALARIES AD-TECH AND $9,444 FROM AD-CE.

Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Holland, Johnson, Lonsak, Scanlan, Toombs, and Venable.
Nays: None.

There will be money available in the Federal portion of the grant due to the vacancies in the CE Director and the Assistant Director of Technology positions. Mike mentioned that a possible use for these funds might be contact with someone to update and revise the CAMLS Web site. This will be presented to the Board at a later time.

Workers Compensation for Independent Contractors

At the present time CAMLS insurance does not cover independent contractors, nor does CAMLS require proof of Worker's Compensation coverage from contractors, e.g. pc consultants and workshop speakers. This coverage may not be required, but it could put CAMLS and the Board at risk. The cost of coverage for speakers would be approximately 1-2% of a speaker's fee. There are two options for the Worker's Compensation policy: (1) implement a policy requiring all independent contractors to show proof of Worker's Comp before hiring of the contractor; or (2) not implement a policy and all independent contractors without Worker's Compensation coverage would be included on CAMLS premium worksheet. CAMLS would pay the Worker's Compensation coverage for the independent contractors. The Board suggested getting legal counsel from the county prosecutor and to report to the Board at the December meeting.

Associate Membership


Ayes: Belkin, Biagianti, Brown, Burrier, Holland, Johnson, Lonsak, Scanlan, Toombs, and Venable.
Nays: None.

Finance Committee Report

With the resignation of Fran Buckley as Co-Chair, John Lonsak is now the sole Chair of the Finance Committee. The Committee met on November 10 to review the proposed 1998/99 budget. Mr. Lonsak praised the work Mary Ellen Powers did in presenting the budget to the Committee.

Personnel Committee Report

Laura Holland reported that Mike is gathering information on salary ranges which the Committee will review at its next meeting to be arranged shortly.

Executive Director's Report

Since the last Board meeting Mike has attended the Ohio Library Council Annual Conference in Cleveland on October 29-31, the Regional Library System meeting in Columbus on November 5, and a Farewell Reception for Fran Buckley at Shaker Heights Public Library on November 14.

Candidate Search Status Report

The selection process for the Continuing Education Director is going extremely well. From 39 applicants, 5 finalists have been selected for interviews. The final selection will come to the Board for approval at the December 17 meeting. During the interview each candidate is asked to present a project. After lunch Mike and the candidates visit a couple of area libraries. All Board members are welcome to come for breakfast or lunch with the potential candidates on Monday and Tuesday, November 24 and 25.

Library Leadership 2000 Progress Report

Mike gave a summary of the progress on LL2000. He talked to Millie Fry and all of the major issues were addressed. Letters have been sent to alumni of both the 1993 and 1995 classes letting them know that CAMLS is coordinating the project; mentors, facilitators, sponsors from the last LL2000 program, as well as the Inn at Honey Run, have been contacted. A flyer will be distributed during the first week of January, 1998. CAMLS will be preparing a budget for approval at the December Board meeting. The Advanced Leadership Program may require a separate budget from LL2000 so as to separate the funding and expenses. Jean Toombs congratulated Mike and the staff for pulling this together. The Board was interested in knowing the number of applicants received in the last two LL2000 programs and whether there has been a follow-up on the participants. Is it feasible to increase the number of participants in future programs?

LSTA Guidelines Update

Mike reported on probable guidelines for the LSTA grant application process as reported at the Regional Library System Directors' meeting on November 5, 1997. Due to the fact the State Library will go to a different grant cycle, CAMLS will need to do two LSTA grants in the first half of 1998. The grant application for the July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999 project year will be due February 20, 1998. Then, another grant application, which will be the bridge to the new fiscal year cycle, is due May 1, 1998 for the October 1, 1998 - September 30, 1999 project year. The next grant cycle will be for the October 1, 1999 - September 30, 2000 project year. Starting with the October 1, 1998 - September 30, 1999 project, there will no longer be any "set-asides" for Regional Library Systems. However, CAMLS is positioned well to tap into the priorities that the State Library desires. Board members expressed that it would be beneficial for CAMLS to take the opportunity to provide services to the underserved, especially to the family as a unit and to children and youth in poverty. Partnerships between local community centers and libraries are needed.

Next Board Meeting

The next Board Meeting will be held on December 17, 1997 at Baldwin-Wallace College in the Strosacker College Union. Pat Scanlan has invited Board members for lunch following the meeting.


At the last meeting of the Board, Jean Toombs had asked for suggestions for a replacement for Fran Buckley. Not having received any suggestions, Molly Carver of Bellevue Public Library was asked to fill Fran's term of office. It was noticed, however, that Bellevue is an Associate Member and, therefore, could not be a voting member of the Board. Molly has submitted a letter to change her membership status to a Voting Member, effective July 1, 1998, according to the CAMLS Bylaws. Because there cannot be 2 Associate Member representatives to the Board at the same time, the Board decided to ask Molly if she would like to attend Board meetings as a guest for 6 months, and then become a full voting member on July 1, 1998. Though she would be unable to vote, she would be able to represent the interests of small and medium public libraries. Mike will write a letter to the small and medium public libraries advising them of this and asking if they have any questions or concerns.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:37 a.m.


20600 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 500, Shaker Heights,Ohio 44112-5334

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produced November 19, 1997
copyright © 1997 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System