A weblog of the best information we've found this month
This the first entirely virtual symposium dedicated to investigating the impact of the Web on reading, writing and the distribution of knowledge. The symposium is underway now, running from October 2001 until March 2022, but latecomers can still register to participate in the discussions, as well as download speakers' notes and view past discussions. A new subject is covered every two weeks. Topics include Babel and the Vintage Selection: Libraries in the Digital Age, and The New Architecture of Information, and Author Umberto Eco will provide an e-lecture and discussion on the role of the expert in the Information Age.
The End of Free?
Have you found that more and more of your favorite free online information sources are charging fees or requiring subscriptions? The End of Free is a website that chronicles the migration of free news and information sources on the Web to fee-based services.
Public Libraries Survey
Conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) through the Federal-State Cooperative System for public library data (FSCS), this survey includes a Public Library locator and a Public Library Peer comparison tool. http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/public.asp