Other Training & Development Opportunities
Staff Development Feature:
Hone your negotiating skills with a visit to Principles of Persuasion: http://www.amanet.org/editorial/principles.htm These classic findings on the art of persuasion remain valuable and highly applicable in many situations. Source: The American Management Association
Local and State Workshops
"Streets, Libraries, and Labratories: Urban Studies and the Humanist Dilemma." As part of the Cleveland State University series, "Cultural Crossings: The Humanities in the City - A Public Dialogue", James Grossman, Vice President for Research and Education from the Newberry Library in Chicago, will present the talk Thursday, November 8, 2001, at 5 p.m. at Waetjen Auditorium in CSU's Music and Communications Building. Call 216-523-7173.
Licensing and Providing Access to Aggregator Databases , the Fall NOTSL program. Friday, November 9, 9:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., at the new Professional Education and Conference Center at Kent State University Stark Campus in Canton, Ohio
Scott Dennis, Humanities Librarian and Coordinator, Core Electronic Resources for the Graduate Library of the University of Michigan, and Anne Gilliland, Assistant Director for Library Systems & Database Management at OhioLINK, are the featured speakers. Registration fee is $65 (includes lunch).http://www.notsl.org/NOTSLprograms.htm
Finding Funding Prospects with The Foundation Directory Online.The Foundation Center-Cleveland. November 15, 2001, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $195. Cleveland, Ohio
2001 Ohio Kentucky Indiana Children's Literature Conference
Inside Stories: A Celebration of Books. Saturday, November 3, 2001, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
University of Cincinnati Clermont College, Batavia, Ohio
Registration Fee of $40 includes continental breakfast, lunch and TriState Authors and Illustrators of Children's Books Directory.
Keynote speakers are editor/author Margery Cuyler and illustrator/author Eileen Christelow . In addition to a wide variety of workshops useful to teachers, writers, librarians, illustrators, and parents, the conference will feature the 2001 TriState Authors and Illustrators of Children's Books Showcase, which introduces conferees to area writers and illustrators who are available to speak to children in local schools and libraries.www.gclc-lib.org/oki/
National Conferences and Workshops
American Association of School Libraries National Conference November 14 - 18, 2001. Indianapolis, Indiana http://www.ala.org/aasl/indy/
Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Association for Computing Machinery. July 14-18, 2022 Portland, Oregon http://www.jcdl2022.org Call for Papers: http://www.ohsu.edu/jcdl/prelimcall.html
21st Century Learner. Institute of Museum and Library Services November 7-9, 2001 Washington, D.C. http://www.imls.gov/conference/index.htm