Staffing For Results In today's economic climate, basing your decisions on solid data is becoming more crucial. In the new book,Staffing For Results, A Guide to Working Smarter by Diane Mayo and Jeanne Goodrich, the authors guide you through the procss of gathering and analyzing the data that can help you make the best decisions. This fall, CAMLS was selected to be one of a small number of sites to host a workshop based on Staffing for Results. Here, we've excerpted a portion of the book. More>>
Member News
The latest news from your CAMLS colleagues. More>>
CAMLS weblog
Our monthly collection of news and resources More>>
New Service
CAMLS now offers members professional website development and technology support (including hardware) at discount costs through our partnerships with Software Answers and Business Smarts.
Attended any conferences or training lately? Remember to record all the continuing education you receive from other providers at MY CAMLS. The training you add will display along with your CAMLS classes and tally your total contact hours. Now you can even print your transcript for easy reference.
CAMLS News is produced monthly by the Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System. Send news and feedback to
Mark your calendars for a nationwide teleconference on the USA Patriot Act, Safeguarding Our Patrons' Privacy: What Every Librarian Needs to Know about the USA PATRIOT Act & Related Anti-Terrorism Measures Wednesday, December 11, Noon to 3 p.m.
Cleveland State University is a site for the event and has graciously invited all interested librarians to attend. Registration information to come!
NOASIST presents: Careers in the Information Profession Thursday, November7, 5:00 - 7:00 p. m. Kent State University Library
A panel of speakers will discuss their jobs in technical, business and non-traditional research fields.