Workbooks: What you Should Know, on Ohio's Proficiency Tests at 4, 6 and 9 grades
Designed specifically for Ohio's Proficiency Tests
Reviews all the Strands and Learning Outcomes for Mathematics, Citizenship, Science, Reading, and Writing
Covers Test-Taking Skills, Test Anxiety and Motivation
Simulated proficiency test items with analysis and answers
Over 90-100 pages of Simulated Proficiency Test items
Answers are included in Teacher's Edition Only
Contains graphics and illustrations
Software: For grades 4, 6, and 9, Windows and Mac (located under PT4LOG95EXE)
Multimedia action
Full color graphics and limited animations
Tutorial section covers all the learning outcomes
Students interact with practice items
Test-anxiety reducing activities are included
Three separate, pencil and paper, full length practice tests per subject (must be printed for student to use)
Printable Answer Keys for scoring practice tests
Teacher administrator application (located under ADMIN95EXE) allows teachers access to student record of completed outcomes.
Library management of student workbooks
Some fourth and sixth graders may not be able to use the software independently
An adult needs to be knowledge in the operation of the software to help when questions arise
Practice test must be printed and turned in to be corrected.
Emphasis is on the practice of answering questions with immediate feedback
Able to type in some written responses
Quiet program-very little audio
Lots of reading
Three or less problems/questions on each learning objective
Administration section is the only way to get what outcomes have been completed by the student for one teacher
No score is given since the emphasis is on practice.
Deck of 100 cards available for each subject area. Simulated proficiency test questions on learning objectives are on the front, and answers on the back. Answers tell students why wrong answers are wrong, and why correct answers are correct. Incorporates test-taking strategies into the answers.