The Learning Company
7104 Ambassador Rd.
Baltimore, Maryland 21244
Judy Fioranvante, Sales Manager
e-mail: [email protected]

The Learning Company has designed several comprehensive managed courseware products for computer usage and workbooks in reading, language arts and mathematics. Although not specifically designed for the Ohio Proficiency Tests correlation by the company is available to the Ohio model competency based curriculum. The following is a descriptive list of these programs.

SkillsBank4: A diagnostic, prescriptive and instructional program for remedial learners in grade 6-adult in basic skills in Mathematics, Reading, Language, Writing, and Information Skills.
CornerStone: A complete system of Language Arts, Mathematics and Reading for all abilities in grades 3-8. A new series, Reading Comprehension, was purchased by one participant of Access Plus since comprehension skill (important details, main idea, sequencing, cause and effect, author's purpose and inference) is used in all the Proficiency tests. The interactive lessons help student build literal, inferential and critical reading comprehension skills. Level A (grades 3-4) of this series features several non-fiction selections which is the type of reading used on the proficiency tests. Call 1-800-847-5455 for free poster and Lessons on CD-Rom.
MathKeys: A comprehensive series that supports any K-6 math program. It is an English and Spanish software series.
The comments below are based on viewing the CD-Rom demonstration of the Cornerstone Language Arts and Mathematics. An Access Plus purchaser is using the CornerStone Reading Comprehension, Level A (grades 3-4), in her school district with a targeted student population needing extra curricular support. She speaks highly to the design and content of the program.