Lakewood Ninth Grade Ohio Proficiency Videos
Lakewood High School
14100 Franklin Blvd.
Lakewood, OH 44107
For information call:
Videos: Sixteen videos based on reviewing the learning outcomes in the five subject area of the ninth grade proficiency test.
Writing: 1 video, 73 minutes
Students write an expository essay from pre-writing to final draft.
Model essays from the State Dept. of Education used in scoring
Reading: 3 videos, 251 minutes based on OPT for Success from Kamico.
Tape 1: Explanation of Proficiency Test make-up, classroom presentation and detailed review of OPT Test One questions
Tape 2: Detailed review of OPT test Two questions
Tape 3: Detailed review of OPT test Three questions.
Mathematics: 7 videos, 546 minutes, 31 page workbook included in this series
Tape 1,2, and 3: Explanation of Proficiency Test make-up and Arithmetic
Tape 4: Measurement
Tape 5: Geometry
Tape 6: Data Analysis
Tape 7: Algebra and Learning Outcomes
Science: 2 videos, 105 minutes, workbook included
Tape 1: Explanation of Proficiency test make-up
Life and Physical Science
Tape 2: Earth Science
Nature of Science
Learning Outcomes
Citizenship: 3 videos, 277 minutes
Tape 1: Explanation of Proficiency Test Make- up
Government and History
Tape 2: Law and Citizen Knowledge
Tape 3: Geography and Economics
Learning Outcomes
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Designed specifically for ninth grade proficiency test.
It is easy to use, student can work independently.