Name: Carol L. Shantz
Address: 5436-D Summerwood Lane
Willoughby, OH 44094-3298
Phone Number(s): 440.975.0337 - Home
. - Work
Fee: Negotiable
Audience: Adult
Description\Comments: Carol presents slide programs on places of interest and scenes in Ohio. Also has programs on Delta Queen trip, the Ohio River, and the Great Lakes.
[email protected]
Name: Phillip Iannarelli
Address: 1727 Beaconwood
Cleveland, OH 44121
Phone Number(s): (216) 382-0529 - Work
Fee: Less than $100
Audience: Choose First
Description\Comments: Garden and travel writer/photographer. Slide programs.
Name: Peg and James Goss
Address: 1256 Avondale Road
South Euclid, OH 44121
Phone Number(s): (216) 381-7945 - Work
Fee: Less than $50
Audience: Adult
Description\Comments: Collection of over 17,000 slides comprising over 105 slide programs.
Name: Jacqueline Dukes
Address: 3566 Ludgate Rd.
Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Phone Number(s): (216) 283-2193 - Work
Fee: Less than $50
Audience: Family
Description\Comments: Collector of international dolls and textiles, particularly interested in Africa. Has traveled to South Africa, Swaziland, and Japan.
Name: . .
Address: .
., . .
Phone Number(s): . - Home
. - Work
. - Fax
Audience: Adult
Description\Comments: .

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