Book Discussions

Sharing our thoughts and ideas on the important issues in To Kill a Mockingbird is what this program is all about, and one of the best vehicles for sparking dialogue is the book discussion. the resources belwo can help you organize discussions in your neighborhood, workplace, community center, or with your family and friends.

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Resources for Book Discussion Groups

Ten Tips for Starting & Running a Successful Book Club
Rachel Jacobsohn, author of The Reading Group Handbook, offers start-up ideas
for new groups.

Book Club FAQs
A one-page outline of how to start a book club and create thought-provoking discussion questions.

Book Club How-To's
From Seattle Public Library, another resource for beginning groups.

Book Muse Book Group Tips
Tips include how to choose books, decide on a location for the group to meet, and help for leaders in preparation for the discussion. Group dynamics and the special aspects of parent/child groups is also here.

Multnomah County Library's Resources for Book Groups
This library offer lists of book resources followed by web links for author info, book reviews, online discussion sites, and book group questions & answers.

Reading Group Center
Much information on starting and elading a group, discussion tips, and alternatives to fiction discussions, like a poetry night, theatrical tie-ins, and reading on a theme.

Reading Group Choices
Advice for group leaders and getting a group started; many discussion guides. The emphasis here is primarily on newer books. To Kill a Mockingbird is not included.
You can find advice and ideas on starting and running a group, choosing what to read, tips on how to liven up your discussions-- even recipes from discussion groups! There are also guides for books new and old-- but not To Kill a Mockingbird.

Web Link to Online Book Discussion Groups
Book Discussions: Finding a Book to Read
Assembled by the San Antonio Public Library, this site furnished online groups for general fiction and specialized fiction discussions, and an area on readign Group Guides.

Resources on the Book

Try this site for a plot summary, character profiles, metaphor & theme analyses, and biography of the author.

To Kill a Mockingbird & Harper Lee
Check here for FAQs about the book, references in the book, the film, interviews with the author, a biography of her, and links to Monroeville, AL, the town that was the inspiration for Maycomb.

To Kill a Mockingbird, The Student Survival Guide
Prepared by a teacher, this site offers chapter by chapter annotations for vocabulary, allusions, & idioms that students (and other readers) might not understand.

The English Page: Harper Lee
Here is a brief synopsis of the book, biographical information, on the author; links to Barron's Book Notes; lesson plans and discussion questions. There is also background information on the time period, the Black experience in the South, and similar real-life trials.

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