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  To Kill a Mockingbird

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Subject To Kill A Mockingbird
Message by m_a_perry52 on Sunday, March 10, 2022 at 15:12  
Location: United States   Joined: Sunday, March 10, 2022   Posts: 1   View m_a_perry52's profileProfile Search for other posts by m_a_perry52Search Quote m_a_perry52's postQuote
For some time after reading this book, I was trying to understand why this book was titled: To Kill A Mockingbird.   It seems that the part of the belief system of the characters during this time and in this setting is one which does not allow for the killing of a mockingbird because "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy...They don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird."(page 90).   In this very same setting in this very same time, it is OK to sentence a black man to death for a crime he did not commit and "kill" him when he tries to escape from prison,  making a mockingbird symbolic of an unjustly accused Black man.   Later in the book, when the lawyer's son kills a man in self- defense, it is also OK that the decision to cover up the killing is made by the county sherrif and accepted by the lawyer father and other young witness to the crime.  This time the mockingbird is symbolic of the lawyer's son on another level as the mockingbird that "it is a sin to kill". Yet there seems to be another level symbolized by the mockingbird becides those of race relations--the goodness of man represented by the lawyer shown most clearly in his decision to defend a black man in a case of rape against a white women. At first the lawyer wants his son to go to court to clear his name of any wrong doing when killing the man who attacked him and his sister.  Yet, the lawyer finally agrees with the sheriff, who is insistant that the dead man was killed when falling on his knife. On this third level, "killing a mockingbird" symbolizes the lawyer who seems to have given up his high morals and basic goodness when encourages his daughter to belive an untruth.  Now the lawyer must  live with himself.  Though the lawyer has not lost his life, the most basic part of his humanity has been "killed."     


Message by toad100 on Wednesday, March 13, 2022 at 12:44  
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Mayeanne, Jem Finch didn't do away with the attacker.  Boo Radly had to protect "his" kids.

It would be a sin to expose him to the town's appreciation Justice is ultimately served in this book, I think.  It clealy illustrates how deadly prejudices can be.  It is also a hopeful portrait  of human decency ( in spite of it all)





Message by Dashawn on Tuesday, April 23, 2022 at 09:42  
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Yes I can agree with that this book goes along the month black history.  Though  

Message by gettinright on Tuesday, April 23, 2022 at 09:47  
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This is  one of the best books I have ever read. I thought it was goin to be boring but then i started reading and couldnt put the book down. It keeps you wondering whats going to happen in every chapter of the book. It also has situations which happen in everyday life and could help our life. Harper Lee was pretty brave using the words she did in this story especially during the time period that the book was written. She writes reality and thats what I like about her and the story. Most authors would not use such words and she did so I Praise her for that. To me this is one of the best books out and that  I have read. I have not yet finished the book but plan on it I am dying to found out what happens at the end.

Message by Dashawn on Tuesday, April 23, 2022 at 09:49  
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That this book is a basic classics of all times for black history month.  Because this involves a black man being set and starting to be commited of rapped of a white woman. But all along they hated the spirits of a black man, even though they were the Klu Klux Klan formally know as the (KKK).

Message by big daddy on Tuesday, April 23, 2022 at 09:49  
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          I feel that the book is very good.I can not understand why the book use the word niger so much. I think that they should have replaced the word with another word because ths is a different time setting. But since I can not judge the book on little stuff, I think the book was excellent.The movie was pretty good too.The movie stuuck on the topic

Message by Tizzy on Tuesday, April 23, 2022 at 09:49  
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The story to kill a Mockingbird is a wonderful book about many things,one the topics of this book is the story of Boo Radley is very interresting and the theses of this book is highly recondmended.

Message by big daddy on Thursday, April 25, 2022 at 09:32  
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From all the people in this book I think Boo Radley is the most interresting becouse of all the story's going around makes boo a person you want to meet.Also I think how boo radley interacts with the people in this story makes boo a man who just keeps to himself  and not a crazy mad man.What do you think about boo Radley? 

Message by gettinright on Thursday, April 25, 2022 at 09:39  
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I gotta tell about a person in the story. Tom Robinson the man that gets no respect in the story. To me he should have had more "book" time than he did. He barely got to say a word well he only said about a sentence or two and that was it. My opinoin is he should have had more time in the story maybe it would have brightened the story up make it more exciting although it was a good book it would have made it better. He got no freedom because of where he was and what he was but that was the way of life back then and there was nothing to do about that situation. I havent seen the verdict yet so i dont know the full story but to me I feel he wont get the verdict his way because of the time period and the town where he is one of few blacks. The situation is sad but true that a person was judge of their color and that people can be that week minded, but the real sad thing is that it still goes on today and not only is it towards blacks its towards whites now. To me racism will never end and its reality so we have to live it.

Message by big daddy on Thursday, April 25, 2022 at 09:48  
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                                  Since we are watching the movie I think that the book was very good  because it had more details . But the only think about the movieis that you can understand it more because you can see their facial expressions and they skipped a couple of unimportant parts and showed some more enthuisiastic parts. So I think the over all concept of the book and the movie is that the both were pretty good.If I got to recommend any book I would recommend this book.

Message by Tizzy on Thursday, April 25, 2022 at 09:50  
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This story uses the word "nigger" a lot and some people might take it offensively or take it wrong but the story is based in the 1930's and in the south and in these times whites and blacks interact but people still take it wong.Also I feel they should have rewrote the book to fit our time. I also think they should have made the movie relate to the book a little more,but in the end the book and the movie were terrific.


Message by valentino on Monday, April 29, 2022 at 09:22  
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I think that the book and movie was very good but should have a better ending than what it had.But for the most part the book had a good setting and good character discriptions

Message by valentino on Monday, April 29, 2022 at 09:31  
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I think these are some very good replies and very mature replies.this is a very good book and it deserves a better ending than what it had.I really think that the word (NIGGER) was not appropriate even for a non fiction story.It was overall a very good book.

Message by cedric on Monday, April 29, 2022 at 09:48  
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         In the book, I did not like the way the african american people were told and showed as weak and helpless. To just sit there and be called " boy " and " nigger " would of made me clock on one of them. But the people in the book were just fearful and weak. They never stood their grounds or sopke up. Other than calpurnia. She was strong but everyone else was weak.They may have been that way because of the time the book was set, and I may be talking this way because of the time I'm in now, but it still's makes me mad either way.

Message by marquarius on Monday, April 29, 2022 at 09:49  
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I thought that the book was good and what attious did for tom robinson by being on his side and the black people rise up for respect also did his best.Some say that this book should be one of best book for black history mouth.This book uses the the word niger alot but I think that they uses that word alot because tha was black folk was called back in those days.also attious was brave for not fighting mr ewal,he just walked away.Today people these days have alot of issue. There is still racsim every were you really go. you places were white people live and A black person comes along and white persn looks at you funny.

Message by tate on Monday, April 29, 2022 at 09:50  
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  I thought this book was mainly racial because that everybody can get along with each and other can be a friend but instead they were enemy in mind . Which really thought that black people shouldn't breath the same air as they did. Black's were treated as they wasn't nothing , like if something was more likely to happen that was bad and who ever in the present that more likely who to blame. That was discrimination they blame him because of the color of his skin .I believe that the white people had all the power back then because they really didn't if they were guilty or not .

  I think how things are today that everyone get alone when they want to . It may be a little conflict between each other but other people think they better than everyone eles

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