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  To Kill a Mockingbird

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Subject Trial and Discrimination
Message by coco on Thursday, April 25, 2022 at 09:50  
Location: United States   Joined: Tuesday, April 23, 2022   Posts: 2   View coco's profileProfile Search for other posts by cocoSearch Quote coco's postQuote

When our teacher mentioned we were going to start reading "To KIll A Mockingbird" I didn't have any interest in reading it. Even after reading the forst few chapters I still wasn't much interested in it. But as we progessed through the book it started to catch my attention. And especially now that we began seeing the movie. It just gives you a different aspect of it. I really don't like reading or hearing about unjustice as it is mentioned in the book. But what specially caught my attention was the trial. How  you can still see the discrimination happening even after the abolishment of racial segregation. The colored are sitting on the top and the whites occupied the buttom section. The jury and the panel were also all white. And even after Atticus proves Tom's innosence they say his guilty. You can tell that it's not only Mayella and her family against him it's practically the whole town. So you can tell discrimination is still a factor.

Message by valentino on Monday, April 29, 2022 at 09:46  
Location: Not Given   Joined: Monday, April 29, 2022   Posts: 3   View valentino's profileProfile Search for other posts by valentinoSearch Quote valentino's postQuote
This has nothing to do with the trial and discrimination.the whole book was about discrimination and the excessive use of the word (NIGGER).X(The ending to the story should have been changed and Tom should have won the case.Atticus did his best and thats why the jury should have voted in his favor.;)But you also have to look at the time and era this book was wrote in and know that a BLACK man is not going to win a case in the south over the white man.:)

Message by Tizzy on Monday, April 29, 2022 at 09:47  
Location: United States   Joined: Tuesday, April 23, 2022   Posts: 3   View Tizzy's profileProfile Search for other posts by TizzySearch Quote Tizzy's postQuote

The drastic things that Mr.Ewell did to cover up what his dauter Mayella try to do to Tom  was crule and unfair for the simple fact that the jury did not rule in his favor also that this book shows that the court is very high race factor and very unfair. 

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