Government Information on the Net:
Locating Foreign, Federal, State, County & Local Data Easily

Date & Time
Tuesday, June 2
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Registration begins at 8:45 a.m.

Cuyahoga County Public Library
Administration Building
Electronic Classroom
2111 Snow Road
Parma, Ohio
$50 CAMLS libraries
$70 Non-library staff from member's organizations
$95 Non-members
Fee includes materials
Deadline: May 26
Limit: 24

Looking for good sources of information on countries around the world, including their constitutions, elected officials and tourism? How about federal government information such as tax forms, Social Security regulations, and help for small businesses in your community. And don't forget the times you've needed to locate information on state government, construction delays, parks, services to local groups, and local county and city government data. At this hands-on lecture/laboratory you'll find out how to get to this information easily!

Gail Junion-Metz is a librarian and well-known Internet trainer across the United States and Canada. She is the author of K - 12 Resources on the Internet, 2nd ed. (Library Solutions Press, 1997) and co-author of Using the World Wide Web and Creating Homepages (Neal-Schuman, 1996). She is president of her own training firm, Information Age Consultants, and writes the "Surf For" column for School Library Journal.
Intended Audience
Anyone responsible for providing government information to patrons, especially for non-government documents specialists.
  • Gain the know-how to provide patrons with plenty of valuable information available from all levels of government, both U.S. and foreign

  • Learn to locate federal, state and local information easily
    Course Content
    • Federal government websites and how to reach them

    • State government websites and what's on them

    • Local and county government information--how to find it quickly and easily

    • Finding and using international sites

    • Search tips for locating public information