If you are already familiar with web indexes, search engines, and meta-search tools, or have attended previous CAMLS web searching courses, and are ready to take the next step, then this course is for you! The workshop will cover advanced search techniques, field-specific search techniques, and examine every available variation of delivering information to patrons once you've located it. You will be introduced to an exciting new category of search tools-- web agents--which are just beginning to make possible a whole new level of web searching. This hands-on workshop will give you plenty of time to practice in the lab. Join us for a look at the future of web searching!
- Date & Time
- Friday, May 28
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Intended Audience:
- Anyone interested in using web search tools "to the max," administrators, supervisors, reference staff, and those who have attended previous CAMLS web search courses
- Location
Cuyahoga County Public Library
Administration Building
- Electronic Classroom
2111 Snow Road
Parma, Ohio
- Benefits to Participants
- Review more advanced search techniques
- Learn to do field-specific searching using search engines
- Learn many different ways to deliver information to patrons using email, printing, and downloading/archiving
- Understand the inter-relationship between your browser and Windows when delivering information to patrons
- Begin to investigate the world of web agent software
Be able to verify where a URL comes from and who is responsible for it, anywhere in the world
- Registration
- $50 CAMLS Members
$70 Non-library staff from member organizations
$95 Non-members
April 6 (for April 13 session)
May 19 (for May 26 session)
Limit: 24 each session
- Course Content
- Search techniques
- Field Searching
- Delivery Options
- Hands-on Practice
- Checking-verifying domain names
- Web agents
- Trainer
Gail Junion-Metz is a librarian by training and an instructor by choice. For the past five years, she has been president of Information Age Consultants. Gail is the author of K-12 Resources on the Internet, Using the WWW and Creating Homepages, and Creating a Power Website. Gail writes the monthly "Surf For" column for School Library Journal. She's served as webmaster for the Ohio Public Library Information Network's children's website, "Oh! Kids." She has given presentations for teachers and librarians all over the US and Canada. Gail's goal is to make learning about the Internet interesting, easy, and most importantly, fun!