GOAL A: FUNDING - Develop a funding structure for member services that is equitable and sustainable for a multi-type, multi-size library system.

END RESULT:Through a new understanding of its membership costs, CAMLS has developed and implemented a financial plan that addresses LSTA, state and local funding.

STRATEGY A1: Explore and use professional expertise to develop the CAMLS financial plan.

STRATEGY A2: Reexamine CAMLS membership fee structure.

STRATEGY A3: Evaluate the cost-benefit ratio of CAMLS existing and proposed programs and services. STRATEGY A4: Investigate costs of recruiting and maintaining members.

GOAL B:PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & TECHNOLOGY TRAINING - Develop basic and advanced programs that are responsive to members needs, including technology, subject-oriented topics, leadership/management development, and customer-focused issues.

END RESULT: In response to member needs and changes in the library field, CAMLS provides quality professional development programs on a wide spectrum of topics and skill levels.

STRATEGY B1:Conduct ongoing needs assessment of members to solicit input for recommended topics and issues.

STRATEGY B2: Follow professional development programs, trends, and instructors on a national level in order to secure cutting-edge programs and speakers. STRATEGY B3: Provide training in technology, covering a varied spectrum of topics and skill levels. STRATEGY B4: Provide training to facilitate information literacy skills. STRATEGY B5: Perform post-workshop assessment of skills and topics covered to determine their utilization and effectiveness. STRATEGY B6: Explore the feasibility of cooperative education ventures between libraries and businesses.

GOAL C: ACCESS TO RESOURCES - Maximize opportunities for communication and resource sharing among members.

END RESULT:Using cost-effective and efficient means, enhanced by technology, CAMLS members have optimum access to both human and information resources.

STRATEGY C1: Explore networking opportunities and alternatives to committee structure.

STRATEGY C2: Facilitate cost-effective delivery system, for any media.

GOAL D: MARKETING - Market and promote benefits of CAMLS membership to both member and nonmember libraries.

END RESULT: Through a renewed understanding of its services and benefits, CAMLS is the information facilitator of choice.

STRATEGY D1: Develop and implement a basic marketing plan, to include retention of current members and recruitment of new members.

Approved by CAMLS Board, December 18, 1996.

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produced 2/13/97
copyright © 1997 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System