GOAL A: FUNDING - Develop a funding structure for member services that is equitable and sustainable for a multi-type, multi-size library system.
END RESULT:Through a new understanding of its membership costs, CAMLS has developed and implemented a financial plan that addresses LSTA, state and local funding.
STRATEGY A1: Explore and use professional expertise to develop the CAMLS financial plan.
Action 1b:Investigate models for funding, program budgeting, and cost reporting.
Action 1c: Determine actual costs (direct and indirect) of programs and services.
Action 1d: Develop a plan based upon local, state, and federal (LSTA) funding.
Action 1e: Develop a pricing structure to ensure that we meet our financial plan=s goals.
Action 1f: Using a legislative network, initiate and maintain legislative contacts to improve state and federal funding for regional library systems.
Action 1g: Facilitate events to strengthen communication between local and state representatives and CAMLS members.
Action 1h: Represent CAMLS when possible at national legislative functions.
Action 1i: Identify and disseminate important legislative news using the CAMLS Web site and listserv.
Action 1j: Develop a template for a customized community reference resource for libraries to give to legislators (with Reference Services Committee)
Action 1k: Develop a plan to seek funding from other sources such as foundations or corporate sponsors.
STRATEGY A2: Reexamine CAMLS membership fee structure.
Action 4b: Obtain feedback from Boards and members. Make any needed changes.
Action 4c: Implement new fee structure.
Action 3b: Modify or develop a new model.
Action 3c: Evaluate the results.
Action 3d: Report cost/benefit ratio information to members using a marketing approach.
Action 3e: Determine the cost/benefit ratio before implementing any new service or program.
Action 3f: Explore marketable CAMLS products and services.
Action 2b: Based upon results of 2a, determine which type/size members to recruit.
Action 2c: Recruit members using the marketing plan developed in Goal 4.
GOAL B:PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & TECHNOLOGY TRAINING - Develop basic and advanced programs that are responsive to members needs, including technology, subject-oriented topics, leadership/management development, and customer-focused issues.
END RESULT: In response to member needs and changes in the library field, CAMLS provides quality professional development programs on a wide spectrum of topics and skill levels.
STRATEGY B1:Conduct ongoing needs assessment of members to solicit input for recommended topics and issues.
Action 1b: Conduct Group Interview Technique sessions with four member libraries each year.
Action 1c: Conduct peer-to-peer sessions with two committees each year.
Action 1d: Conduct a Group Interview Technique session with one Type of Library Meeting each year to obtain input from directors.
Action 1d: Use task forces to develop selected workshops.
Action 1e: Use the post-workshop assessment to identify additional programs.
Action 2b: Monitor training journals, catalogs of books/instruments/AV resources, listservs, web sites, college and adult education catalogs, association conference programs, and catalogs/flyers of training organizations.
Action 2c: Participate in American Society of Training and Development and American Society of Association Executives programs and conferences..
Action 2d: Network with other regional library system staff, corporate trainers, professional development staff in associations, and technology trainers.
Action 3b: Maximize use of technology training by cooperating with other local and state organizations.
Action 3c: Assess technology training needs.
Action 3d: Evaluate speakers and program content at technology related conferences.
Action 3e: Monitor CE catalogs/programs of library related organizations for cutting edge programs and quality trainers.
Action 3f: Partner with other computer training organizations (eg MicroCenter and Ohionet) to supplement the CAMLS technology training program.
Actions 3g: Upgrade the CAMLS/CCPL Electronic Classroom (e.g. software, video monitors).
Action 3h: Develop an open computer lab two days a month in the CAMLS/CCPL Electronic Classroom for members.
Action 3i: Investigate the use of distance education.
Action 3j: Promote software and computer based training programs that are available in member libraries and can be used in the Electronic Classroom.
Action 3k: Promote web based or other self study training programs.
Action 4b: Market this series to Ohio colleges/universities, schools and public libraries.
Action 4c: Develop new Train the Trainer workshops (e.g. Remote Users).
Action 4d: Facilitate the development of an Interest Group for trainers in member libraries.
Action 5b: Develop a plan to measure training satisfaction, learning, behavior, and results.
Action 5c: Whenever appropriate, use the CAMLS Listserv and Web site to assess training and performance results.
Action 5c: Evaluate the plan.
Action 5d: Report the results to the Board and members using a marketing approach.
Action 6b: Market selected workshops using CAMLS librarians in their respective organizations.
Action 6c: Conduct a study to determine feasibility of cooperative education ventures.
Action 6d: Based upon the results of 6c, explore partnering with CAMLS member organizations to provide customized professional development or technology training.
Action 6e: Based upon the results of 6c, explore partnering with corporations to provide customized professional development or technology training.
Action 6f: Based upon the results of 6c-e, implement cooperative education ventures.
GOAL C: ACCESS TO RESOURCES - Maximize opportunities for communication and resource sharing among members.
END RESULT:Using cost-effective and efficient means, enhanced by technology, CAMLS members have optimum access to both human and information resources.
STRATEGY C1: Explore networking opportunities and alternatives to committee structure.
Action 1b: Form an ad hoc Technology Group to recommend technology initiatives for CAMLS to pursue.
Action 1c: Facilitate the formation of two issue oriented Special Interest Groups (loosely structured) that would exist for one year to provide a means of dialogue between various libraries and staffing levels (e.g. a Kids and the Net Interest Group could include directors, childrens, YA and reference librarians).
Action 1d: Develop a series of ATown Hall Meetings@ to discuss library trends and use the CAMLS Listserv to conduct them whenever appropriate.
Action 1e: Explore the possibility of forming small groups which would meet for dinner several times during one year to discuss topics of their choosing. Provide a means of dialogue between various libraries and staffing levels.
Action 1f: Evaluate these networking opportunities after one year.
Action 1g: Use the CAMLS Web site, the Listserv, and E-mail to announce and promote all group meetings.
Action 1h: Explore the possibilities of offering Amini-grants@ to CAMLS committees or Special Interest Groups to provide seed money for pilot projects.
Action 2b: Seek funding and implement an electronic document delivery model.
Action 2c: Evaluate the model after one year to determine if it is feasible to implement with other member libraries.
Action 2d: Maximize the use of technology by cooperating with other local and state organizations, and evaluate the impact of other information providers such as OhioLINK, OPLIN and Infohio.
STRATEGY C3: Expand group purchase discounts for member libraries.
Action 3a: Survey members to determine new types of vendors.
Action 3b: Add a minimum of five new vendors per year.
Action 3c: Add the Cooperative Purchasing Catalog to the CAMLS Web site.
Action 3d: Regularly add or update this Catalog.
STRATEGY C4: Enhance and promote the CAMLS Web site.
Action 4a: On a weekly basis, update the CAMLS Web site.
Action 4b: After two months, survey the members to determine why they use it, what to add, delete or change.
Action 4c: Publicize the benefits of using the Web site extensively in the newsletter, at committee meetings, at workshops, and using the Listserv.
STRATEGY C5: Expand to 100% the number of members having access to Internet/Web.
Action 5a: Survey members to determine how many have Internet/Web access.
Action 5b: Encourage non-users to use CAMLS/Ohionet Internet/Web Service or another service provider.
Action 5c: Encourage every member to have Web access using a graphical browser by January 1, 1998.
Action 5d: Attempt to work with non-users to overcome barriers.
STRATEGY C6: Explore alternatives for producing the CAMLS Union List of Periodical Holdings, encouraging participation by 100% of members.
Action 6a: Print the Union List by March 31, 1997.
Action 6b: Explore the desirability and feasibility of producing a CD-ROM product.
Action 6c: Contact library directors and encourage 100% participation.
Action 6d: Determine the barriers to participation and try to overcome them.
GOAL D: MARKETING - Market and promote benefits of CAMLS membership to both member and nonmember libraries.
END RESULT: Through a renewed understanding of its services and benefits, CAMLS is the information facilitator of choice.
STRATEGY D1: Develop and implement a basic marketing plan, to include retention of current members and recruitment of new members.
Action 1a: Identify a marketing professional who has worked with non profits or associations.
Action 1b: Develop and implement a basic marketing plan to retain members.
Action 1c: Based upon the results of Goal A, Strategy 2, develop a basic marketing plan to recruit new members.
Action 1d: Develop a customer satisfaction survey form to be sent to members at least once a year. The results should be shared with the Board and members.
Action 1e: Use the CAMLS Web site to market programs, services and benefits.
Action 1f: Working with the Public Relations Committee, develop at lease three major public relations stories per year (e.g. an appearance on television, an article in a magazine, a billboard promotion, National Library Week promotion).
20600 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 500, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44112-5334