Annual Meeting: Measures For Networked Information Services in Your Library
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 24, 2000
10:15 AM-1:30 PM
Cleveland Skating Club
2500 Kemper Road, Shaker Heights, OH
$25 CAMLS Members
$30 Affiliate libraries
$75 Non-members

Fee includes lunch and materials

Deadline: Wednesday, May 17, 2000
Limit: 150
For many libraries and information centers traditional counts of in-library services such as circulation, reference transactions, etc., are stagnant or going down. On the other hand, the use of networked resources and services such as virtual visits to the library's web page, full text downloads, database accesses, etc. are soaring. Unfortunately, many libraries do not count these networked based services because they do not have definitions and procedures in place to produce such counts. Therefor, libraries, short-change themselves when they describe only their traditional activities and services. This presentation will provide an overview of selected statistics and performance measures that can be used by libraries to more accurately describe their delivery of networked information services and resources. McClure will also identify a number of key issues that will require attention by the local library as well as national data collection efforts if we are to have accurate and timely statistics and performance indicators for services and resources provided via the networked environment.
Intended Audience
Charles R. McClure is the Francis Eppes professor of information studies at Florida State University. He was the first person to be named to this prestigious endowed professorship. Prior to his appointment at Florida State University he was a Distinguished Professor at Syracuse University, School of Information Studies. McClure has written extensively on topics related to the planning and evaluation of information services as well as Federal information policy. He currently is completing a study funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to develop national statistics and performance indicators to describe public library services in a networked environment. He is working on a similar project for academic libraries with the Association of Research Libraries.