Choose one A.M. Session and One P.M. Session
A.M. Session, 9 a.m. – Noon
Special Agent John Kilnapp returns to expand on his very well-received lunchtime presentation on personal safety given at last year’s Support Staff Conference. He will review important precautions we all need to take regarding safety at work and in the home.
Dealing with Difficult Patrons
Most library workers encounter difficult patrons on some level every week. This workshop will focus on how to cope with difficult behavior and provide tips on staying calm and presenting a positive image in the process. You will also learn how to defuse angry and demanding patrons and what to do and say in situations tailored to the library environment. Presenter: Marti Peden
P.M. Session, 1 - 4 P.M.
Rights in the Workplace
This session will focus on workplace harassment and effective methods of prevention. The issue of liability of an organization will be discussed as well. Harassment will be clearly defined, and steps toward prevention will be presented. Promoting equity and a comfortable work environment for all segments of an organization will be examined. Presenter: Michael A. Douglas
Humor Prescription Session CLOSED
The more you develop a sense of humor, the more positive you become. Laughter is therapeutic. Just as negative emotions such as tension and stress can produce ulcers and headaches, positive emotions can relax your nerves and benefit your overall health. This workshop will demonstrate how to restore your perspective when challenged by common workplace conditions such as stress and change as well as how to maintain a more positive outlook on life. Presenter: Marti Peden