The Leader's Role In Transforming Libraries

CAMLS recognizes that libraries are indeed on the threshold of tremendous change and that we have not done a good job of addressing the professional development needs of individuals who will be the leaders of our profession as we approach the 21st century. Therefore we have worked with Maureen Sullivan, one of this country's leading library consultants, to develop a Leader's Role In Transforming Libraries series of workshops that are held at least twice a year from 1995 - 1998. These programs are intended to fill that professional development gap and will be for today's library leaders/transformers as well as tomorrow's. Ms. Sullivan is a consultant who is a leader in collaborating with libraries, associations and consortia to develop innovative, customized programs for implementing organizational change and transformation.

The following workshops have been completed or will be held in the future. Contact CAMLS for additional information.

April 26-28, 1995 -- The Leader's Role in Transforming Libraries

Sept. 27-29, 1995 -- The Leader's Role in Transforming Organizational
..............................Culture and Managing Change

April 24-26, 1996 -- The Leader's Role in Creating a Productive
...............................and Innovative Workplace

Nov. 13-14, 1996 -- The Leader's Role in Personal Development

April 23-25, 1997 -- The Leader's Role in Managing the Organization

September 11 & 12 -- The Leader's Role in Quality Improvement

November 4 & 5 -- The Leader's Role in Team Building

May 20-22, 1998 -- The Leader's Role in Planning for the Future

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produced 9/13/96
copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System