What is CAMLS?
The purpose of the Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System (CAMLS) is to help the libraries of the Greater Cleveland area achieve such an effective and efficient sharing of information, resources, and expertise that they become the very best they can be and the area itself flourishes.
CAMLS was established to foster increased access to library and information resources by providing the leadership necessary to coordinate collaborative services and to promote cooperation and communication among member libraries. As a multi-type library consortium, CAMLS includes 80 public, academic, special, and school libraries of varying sizes whose focus is the Greater Cleveland area. As a result, CAMLS has developed a wide range of services and products to satisfy membership needs.
- Membership and Fees
There are two forms of membership available in CAMLS: full voting membership and associate membership. Libraries may have full voting status in only one Regional Library System. Associate members pay the same fees and are accorded the same privileges except they may not hold a voting position on the Board of Trustees. All member libraries are able to give input into CAMLS plans, programs, and services. Any public, academic, special or school library may apply for membership in the system. Members provide free interlibrary loans to each other with the exception of several contracting libraries.
CAMLS is funded by local membership fees, state general revenues, and federal LSCA monies granted by the State Library of Ohio. CAMLS continually evaluates the appropriateness of membership fees in order to provide an equitable distribution of costs. . There are a variety of cost effective services offered to members because of our group buying power and cooperative efforts.
For libraries other than school media centers, the membership fee assessment formula for the 1996/1997 fiscal year is 0.155 percent of the library's total operating budget (op. budget x .00155) with a minimum of $550. Discounts on assessments over $5,000 and $20,000 are applied. School library assessments are based on total member of students in the district, as follows: $550 for less than 1500, $600 for 1501-3000, $650 for 3001-6000, $700 for 6001-12000, $1,000 for more than 12,000 students. Membership fees are evaluated annually by the Board.
- Governance
CAMLS is state-chartered under the Ohio Revised Code, and operates under Bylaws approved by the Board of Trustees. Member libraries provide input on services, policies, and planning through a variety of committees.
A. Advisory Council - The Director, or a designee, of every member and associate member library, is a member of the Advisory Council. The responsibilities of the Advisory Council include election of the CAMLS Board; participation in the development and implementation of CAMLS plans, programs, services, and projects; and serving on committees.
- B. Board of Trustees - The Board of Trustees is composed of representatives of member libraries. Members are elected by, from, and among the Advisory Council and work directly with the CAMLS Executive Director. The Board has several standing committees charged with examining relevant issues in detail and forwarding recommendations to the Board for review and action.
e-mail us for member application materials at
- CAMLS Staff
All staff may be reached by calling , faxing to , or e-mailing them at the address shown below.
Mike Snyder, Executive Director |
Lou Ann Kibler, Continuing Education Director |
Elaine Terman, Program Coordinator |
Beth Listerman, Office Coordinator |
Mary Ellen Powers, Clerk-treasurer |
Rosemary Nugent, Secretary |
CAMLS Office |
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- http://camls.org/cawhat.htm
- produced 7/14/96
- copyright © 1996 Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System