Title: Regional Subject Specialist - Music
Organization: Cuyahoga County Public Library
Location: Mayfield Regional
Hours: 40 hours per week including evening and weekends.
Salary: $19.38 per hour
Principal Duties: Provides comprehensive library service locally and systemwide to customers and staff in subject specialty--music. Applies in-depth knowledge and experience to collection development and maintenance for designated specialty area in print, non-print and electronic formats. Responsibilities include: working on subject area replacement lists with relation to electronicresources; prepares and maintains link section of the music subject area on CCPL web page;prepares bibliographies and specialized book lists related to music; plans and coorinates music programs and activities; maintains specific music reference files; sorts and examines music requests for consideration in adding to collection. Maintains community contact with organizations concerned with subject specialty. Plans, organizes and participates in workshops and in-service training at local, regional and systemwide levels. May be designated as person-in=charge of the regional facility in the absence of a manager.
MLS from an ALA accredited library school and Master's level education or its equivalency in designated specialty subject. Two to four years of library experience. Must have a thorough knowledge of music specialty, as well as basic general reference sources, and be familiar with library operations and organizations. Must possess strong organizational and interpersonal skills. This position requires a proven ability to work with a diverse public which has high expectations for library service, and be public service oriented. A valid Ohio Driver's license is required and own vehicle preferred. Proof of education will be required.
Contact: Applications may be obtained by calling the Human Resources Division, Cuyahoga County Public Library (216) 749-9464, 1-800-749-5560, or by picking one up from any of the 28 local branches.
Submit: Completed applications can only be returned at the Administration Building, 2111 Snow Road, Parma , OH 44134. Applications must be complete, accurate and current. Applications can be returned in person, by mail or FAX at 216-749-9479.
Deadline: July 20, 2001

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produced 4/02/99
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