CAMLS Management Education Series - Skills Track Schedule
Track Description
Skills Track Presenters
Skills Track Registration

Location: Notre Dame College of Ohio - 4545 College Road - South Euclid, Ohio

Managing To Support Mission

September 20-22, 2001
Session One: Management Style: Discovering Self/Respecting Others
Self-Discovery, self-knowledge
Finding and understanding your management style
Management vs. leadership
Managing tasks vs. managing people

October 11-12, 2001
Session Two: Where the Mission Begins: Understanding the Organization
Organizational values
Evaluating organizational climate
Creating the learning organization
Developing goals and objectives
Vision and setting direction

November 15-16, 2001
Session Three: Moving the Mission Forward: Library Planning
Project planning/Managing projects
Managing budgets
Connecting goals and objectives to budgets

January 25, 2022
Session Four: Delivering the Mission: Organization Communication
Function of internal library communication
Library communication processes
Communication strategies
Delegating effectively

February 22-23, 2022
Session Five: Sharing the Mission Effectively: HR Management
Interviewingand hiring
Performance evaluation/Employee goals and objectives
Motivation, rewards and recognition

March 21-22, 2022
Session Six: When the Mission Gets Lost: Conflict Resolution and Crisis Communication
Conflict resolution
Crisis communication and the media

April 26-27, 2001
Session Seven: Full Support of Mission: Coming Together as a Team

Team building strategies
Working with groups and getting results
Creative problem solving
Dealing with change
Wrap-up: Final Action Plan

Please Note: Because of the sequential nature of the program, participants must enroll for the entire series and not on a session-by-session basis.

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