A weblog of the best information we've found this month
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of International and Refugee Health has set up a web site dealing with global health issues. The site contains world health statistics, reports and publications, health news and links to sites providing detailed reports on world health. http://www.globalhealth.gov/
Digital Preservation Commons is OCLC's online project that will work to preserve ongoing access to web pages, even after the pages are removed from the Web. The site will provide a discussion of best practices in digitization efforts, address preservation metadata issues, and the attributes of a digital archive.
Portals to the World provide country-by-country links to broad categories of electronic resources set up by Library of Congress subject specialists. The site currently contains about 50 countries but will include all countries when the project is completed.
Best Intranets. Jakob Neilson has released his list of the top ten best Intranet designs of the year, based on navigation, content management and collaboration tools.
Free Web Tutorials
Got a Minute? Free online tutorials can give you quick training when you need it.
Tutorial Find
Touted to have "tutorials on absolutely anything," this site compiles tutorials, white sheets, and any other useful set of instructions the editors can find on the Web. In the Miscellaneous category, you can learn to take minutes at a business meeting, or select the perfect digital camera, while the psychology section has an impressive collection of tutorials from academia.
Barnes and Noble University
The courses are free, and the "recommended reading" for each class will probably be found in your library. Professional courses viewed recently are confined to a selection of Internet and computer software training tutorials, but the arts and literature offerings might be a useful brush-up for anyone working a public service desk.
FindTutorials.Com, The E-Learning Website
This tutorial provider has a section of free tutorials along with other helpful learning resources that pertain to each lesson.
Finding Information on the Internet: A Tutorial
Designed by UC Berkeley's School of Information Management Studies, this site offers a solid introduction to browsers, search strategies, search engines and web site evaluation.